We say a lot of words over here at MODL. Sometimes they're nonsense words, sometimes they're fun words, and a lot of them are words we created for our products. 

Here's a guide to the MODL lingo so we're all on the same page when talking about MODL gear! 


First things first, let's talk about how you say "MODL". MODL is short for "modular bottle" so it's pronounced like "model". Not mode-al or mold (yes... we've had people say mold...).

MODL Bottle

The MODL bottle is made up of three components: a bottle, a Go MOD, and SuperLoops.

The Bottle.

The Go MOD (bite valve cap with a long straw inside) and SuperLoops.

Flow MOD

The Flow MOD is the hydration pack attachment and includes a MagClip (short for magnetic clip).

The Flow MOD hose. 

The MagClip.

Pure MOD

The Pure MOD is our water filter attachment. It comes with a short straw that attaches it to the outside or inside of your cap.

The Pure MOD as an in-line filter.

The Pure MOD as a gravity filter.

Rinse MOD

The Rinse MOD is our outdoor shower/rinse attachment. 

Sling MOD

The Sling MOD is our strap attachment for everyday carry.

We know there's a whole MODL vocabulary that can be get a little confusing, so hopefully this helps you out!